National Day After Day After Day



December 17, 2015


Part of our daily function as responsible 21st century marketers is to keep up with trending social topics. At the writing of this, one of the top trenders was #givingTuesday. This hashtag refers to the National Day of Giving, which urges people to help others through whatever ways they can. This national day truly warms the heart.

It also happens to fall on National Pie Day, National Eat a Red Apple Day, Bifocals at the Monitor Liberation Day, Day With(out) Art Day, Rosa Parks Day and World Aids Day.

30 days in December have multiple national day celebrations.

On December 4th, perhaps you shot craps in a fake mink to combine National Dice Day with National Faux Fur Day. If you’re a food lover, prepare to get your gastro on with national days for cotton candy, gazpacho, bouillabaisse, cupcakes, roast suckling pigs, fried shrimp and fritters.

There are serious national days (Human Rights Day, Nobel Prize Day), and not serious national days (Cat Herders Day, Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf Day).

Brands are no stranger to national days.

Dunkin’ Donuts gives free cups of joe on National Coffee Day. Copper Mountain created National Snow Day so kids in southern climates could experience this joy. This year’s Cyber Monday made retailers upwards of 3 billion.

Perhaps we should scrap the Roman calendar and go all in on a National Day Calendar. We could have 53-day work weeks, 270-day months, and we’d all be able to legally drink on our 4th birthdays. And every day would be branded with something special.

When brands stay true to their special thing, every day has the potential to be a National Day of Frolicking, Happy, Grateful For Life Customers.

Welsh singer Mary Hopkin once crooned, “Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end.”

National days are definitely your days, my Welsh, crooning friend.

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Stephen Hindley

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